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20 Reasons You Need to Race Cyclocross (at least once).

CX course

 The first time I watched a cyclocross race, I thought it was only for the pros. Or at least really big, strong men. It looked hard. And scary. And that’s when I knew I had to try it. CX is not just a big man’s sport – it’s crazy, fun, messy, hilarious, humbling, really really hard, and a great way to meet some amazing men and women. But I don’t want you to just take my word for it – I want you to get out there and try it! And here’s why…

  1. You’ll get some great bike handling skills. 

If you lack confidence in your bike handling skills, cyclocross is one of the best places to learn! Hop in any CX race, and you’ll quickly discover your bike handling weaknesses. But if you watch and emulate the other riders around you, you’ll pick up those skills and quickly! 

Cyclocross skills include cornering, climbing, sprinting, passing safely, picking a line, riding over all kinds of terrain from gravel to grass, getting on and off your bike, carrying your bike, running, riding off-camber, drafting, riding close to others, whoop de whoops, coasting, and smiling for photos. 

2. You’ll discover the best and worst parts of yourself.

Some days, you’ll feel fantastic when you finish that race; other times, you’ll be deep in the hurt locker. You’ll face your deepest, darkest demons when you have to hit one more lap. You’ll also find that you don’t have to take yourself so seriously. You can have fun no matter what, laugh when you fall, and learn to get back on the bike again and again and again. 

3. Nobody cares if you are fast or slow. Seriously. They don’t. 

You ride your race at your own pace. Since CX races tend to spread out fast, no one can tell if you’re at the front or back of the race (except the officials, of course). It doesn’t matter if you get dropped, lapped, or lead the way – the fans will cheer for you no matter your pace. 

Even better, passing riders will call out encouragements and well wishes even if they blow by at breakneck speed. After all, we’re all in this together. 

4. You can get an awesome Vo2 Max and strength workout simultaneously. 

I’ve heard CX described as a 40-minute Vo2 effort (if that’s what you want it to be). You’ll go as hard as you want – giving you that high-octane workout. Plus, pushing through the grass, mud, and uphill will definitely make you stronger! So, while the efforts are relatively short, you get a lot of bang for your workout buck. 

5. You can walk as much as you want. 

Part of getting good at cyclocross is knowing when it’s faster to ride or when it’s better to get off the bike and run. Everyone races their own way, and no one will fault you for hopping off your bike and hoofing it up that hill if it’s easier than riding. 

6. You don’t have to have the perfect bike. 

Sure, you can spend a few thousand dollars on a carbon CX bike… or you can ride just about whatever old bike you have lying around. Official USAC races may have rules around bikes and tire widths, but your local fun CX races will likely let you ride just about any bike you feel like. 

I’ve seen mountain bikes, hybrid bikes, crusty old beach cruisers, and plenty of gravel bikes. I’ve seen road bikes with gravel tires, mountain bikes with drop bars, and, yes, even an e-bike or two on occasion! (In an e-bike-specific category, of course). 

For the really adventurous, you might even try it on a single-speed or coaster bike. It doesn’t matter -we want more folks riding bikes for fun. 

7. It’s crazy fun.

If you need to get yourself up and out of that daily grind, you’ll definitely want to try CX for the heart-pumping fun. CX courses are like a playground for bikes – and you never know what will happen! 

It never gets boring! As the weather changes and as the season progresses, the course changes, too. Some days, it will be dry and dusty, and other times, it will be an absolute mudfest. In some races, the course will get rutty, while others will be smooth and fast. 

You’ll ride in the grass, over lumps and bumps, down steep little hills, and right back up again – you’ll definitely feel like a little kid learning to ride a bike for the first time. And it’s good, clean (well, wholesome, anyway) fun! 

8. It’s (mostly) safe. 

Accidents can happen in any sport. But the slower speeds of CX, coupled with softer terrain like grass and dirt, mean less serious injuries than a road crash or race incident. 

Injuries do happen occasionally, but in my experience, most injuries are limited to minor bumps and bruises. And maybe your pride. 

9. The fans rock!

CX spectators are the best! They’ll cheer just as hard for the last place rider as they do for the winner. They’ll serenade you with bugle calls, whistles, sirens, and bells. They’ll jump up and down, run alongside, and in a designated fun race- give you handups of hotdogs, cookies, cupcakes, and beer. And if you fall down they’ll be there to help pick you back up and cheer you on your way.

10. Everybody falls. 

Let’s face it. Everybody falls down in cyclocross. So don’t fear if you are someone who falls off your bike a lot! You won’t be alone. Everyone falls down from time to time. It’s just part of the fun and a true badge of honor.

11. It’s tough to get lost on course.

I’ll admit it. I can get lost anywhere at any time, no matter how good the GPS is on my bike computer. Thank goodness I can’t get lost in CX! With the route clearly taped off, you won’t need to wonder where to go. Just follow the tape, the ruts, and the dust clouds, and you won’t get lost. 

12. You can race in the dark. 

If you think racing CX is sketchy, try it in the dark! With a bike and a helmet light, the path will be just illuminated enough for you to totally send it. You won’t worry about picking your line, avoiding ruts, or swerving around rocks. You’ll just plow right through and be all the better for it. 

Racing in the dark is a rush you can’t explain until you’ve actually tried it. 

13. It doesn’t have to cost a ton of cash.

We’ve all heard the jokes about the expense of a cycling lifestyle, but CX doesn’t have to cost you a ton. You don’t need a team kit, fancy shoes, or a pricey bike unless that’s your jam. Especially if you’re a beginner, just grab your bike, a comfy pair of shorts, and your helmet, and you’re ready to go. 

You can test the waters and see how much you like it before making a big investment. 

14. Races are short. 

 Your cross race doesn’t have to take all day – unless you want it to! Most races last around 40 minutes. If you pre-register, you can roll in a little before the start time, get a warm-up and race, and roll out again! Of course, a lot of CX racing is cheering for others, hanging out with friends, and just having a good time, so you might want to plan for a whole day excursion anyway. 

15. You can probably race multiple times in a day if you choose. 

Women’s categories tend to be grouped together, but oftentimes, you can race at least twice – just like at the track. For example, if you’re a cat 4, you can race the novice race (cat 4/5) and then again later in cat 3/4. Or if you’re really daring, you can race your category and then race single speed later on! 

16. Chill party vibes. 

One of the best parts about CX is the chill party vibe atmosphere. We’re talking about picnics, food trucks, blankets, popup tents, campers, and beer. There’s no hardcore partying going on because people are there to race their butts off – but there’s a lot of spectating, chatting, and straight-up chill. 

17. It’s family-friendly.

There are kids of all ages milling around on cyclocross race days. There’s always a juniors race, and usually a little kids race, too! You can bring your whole family to participate, cheer, eat, and enjoy. Spectating is free, all you have to do is show up.

18. You can practice in your backyard. 

Do you want to work on your CX skills? Easy! Pull up some YouTubes, grab your bike, and hit your backyard or local park. Just riding in the grass, practicing the mount/dismount, carrying your bike – it will all help you prep for race day. Find some drills, ride around some cones or tree stumps, and have at it. You don’t need a fancy setup to practice; just get out there and have fun (and wear a helmet, of course). 

CX course
Switchbacks on a CX course are the most fun

19. There’s always something new to learn. 

You never ‘arrive’ in cyclocross. There’s always a skill to improve, a course to master, someone faster to beat, and something new to work on. As the season goes on and the weather changes, so does the course. Even if you ride the same course every week, it’s constantly changing, adapting, and creating a new challenge to face. 

20. You’ll meet some of the best people on bikes. 

If you think bike people are nice, you’ll love CX folks. It’s a special kind of person willing to lay it all out there on the course, in the mud and the mulch. They understand the shared suffering, the hard efforts, and, of course, the challenge and the fun! They’re some of the finest and friendliest people you’ll find on bikes.

Whether you need a bike pump or a fist pump, you’ll find someone there to cheer you on! 

So what are you waiting for? Strap on that helmet, saddle up, and jump in!

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